Having trouble sleeping? Wondering why your sleeping patterns feel completely off? Have you already invested in pillows advertised to be state of the art which promised a perfect night’s sleep?

There may be some missing factors you might want to consider before investing in therapeutic pillows.

Keep reading to learn about common pillow-shopping mistakes to avoid.

1. Choosing Therapeutic Pillows That Do Not Match Your Sleeping Position

It is crucial to make sure that your pillow aligns with how you sleep. A thick and dense pillow may be right for one person and not for another. Or, a thin and soft pillow may sound nice but not offer the support your body needs for a restful night. 

While a wide variety of options is a benefit, it can also lead to confusion. To narrow down your search, make sure to shop only for pillows that match your sleeping position and physical requirements. 

A person who sleeps on their stomach should use a flatter, softer, pillow while someone who sleeps on their back should use a pillow of medium firmness and one that supports the neck with a rounded surface and a side-sleeper should have more of would be advised to choose a firmer pillow that elevates their head 3-5 inches above their mattress. 

All of the back and side lying pillows should also have a shoulder cut out that allows the person to maintain a nice comfortable position with essentially zero pressure on the shoulders.

2. Matching the Pillow to the Size of Your Bed

While it might be easy to assume that pillows must be purchased in a size that is comparable to that of your bed frame and mattress, (a king sized pillow for a king sized bed) this is actually more a matter of aesthetics.

Decorative considerations aside, the most important factor when choosing a pillow is sleep, support and comfort, not visual appeal.

Choose pillows that provide a good night of REM sleep, in whatever size, and move decorative pillows that don’t provide sleep support to the floor at night. 

3. Pillows That Do Not Suit Your Mattress

“When in doubt, match it out” This is the slogan of the game when buying therapeutic pillows that basically says to use the same firmness and foam type of the pillow to match the type of foam and firmness of your mattress

You must always think about the type of mattress you have before you consider what pillow to use. 

If you have a relatively soft mattress, then make sure to pair this with a lighter and softer pillow. Likewise, a firmer mattress calls for a firmer pillow.

This rule of thumb will help to ensure the proper distribution of your weight and the correct elevation of your head between your mattress and pillow. 

4. Therapeutic Pillows That Are Too Firm

While a firm pillow can seem like the answer if you need more neck or head support, overcorrecting can cause as much pain as having no pillow at all.  Also, one of the most common issues and problem that people are completely unaware of is that too much support and height under the head puts tremendous stress on the discs (the cushions between the vertebra) and can cause disc protrusions (herniations) and thus nerve irritation.   

Aim for a perfect balance depending on your specific needs and look to a pillow that is scientifically designed

5. Choosing Pillows That Are Too Soft

Keep in mind when shopping for pillows that even the best pillow will likely lose some firmness and support  over time. To avoid sleeping on a deflated pillow after a few weeks or months, select a pillow that has high quality foam with  enough density and firmness to  keep its shape over time. 

6. Gravitating Towards The Most High-Tech Pillows

Sometimes the pillows with the most bells and whistles are  sold using  clever marketing terms, are not necessarily the best on the market.

High tech features sometimes may seem appealing, but they need to be backed with solid research in order to offer a true benefit. 

Make sure to do your research and pay attention to reviews.

7. Going for the Discount Pillows

Remember that you get what you pay for. While department or retail stores often offer low-price pillows as impulse buys, frequently packaged in sets of two, these bargains will likely result in a pain in the neck  as well as a pillow that lasts only a few weeks and then falls apart losing its resilience and support  Cheap products don’t last and oftentimes do more harm than good.

When it comes to shopping for a therapeutic pillow, an informed and educated up-front investment is likely to save you money in the long run, reducing the possibility of astronomical medical and pharmaceutical costs in your days ahead.

Avoid These Common Mistakes When Buying Therapeutic Pillows

Now that you’re equipped with the knowledge to recognize a few red flags when shopping for therapeutic pillows, you’re well on your way to better nights and more rested days.

Watching out for these seven common pitfalls will better equip you to find the perfect therapeutic pillow.

Still have questions or concerns? Contact us today for help and guidance selecting the pillow you need for the sleep you deserve. 


Dr. Hall
Dr. Ray Hall

Dr. Raymond Hall, the renowned DC, inventor, author, lecturer, television personality and sleep expert who has been honored by the International Association of Healthcare Providers as the "TOP CHIROPRACTOR IN CALIFORNIA" for 2015, 2016 and 2017. Dr Hall currently practices at Pacific Coast Sports Medicine in West Los Angeles and lives in Malibu, CA.