Are you having difficulty falling asleep most nights or waking up several times during sleep?


Insomnia is a frustrating condition that affects 20 to 40 percent of the adult population each year. The National Institute of Health defines insomnia as “difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep, or having non-refreshing sleep for at least one month”. Many people go undiagnosed because they accept lack of sleep as part of their lifestyle.  Below are some common insomnia symptoms defined by the National Institute of Health. After, we’ll discuss prescription sleeping medications, the side effects of sleeping pills and alternative natural insomnia treatments including cervical pillow options.

Insomnia Symptoms:

  • Difficulty falling asleep most nights
  • Feeling tired during the day
  • Not feeling refreshed when you wake up
  • Waking up several times during sleep
  • Obsessive thoughts about getting enough sleep

Prescription Sleeping Medications:

One increasingly common way to help insomnia is the use of prescription sleeping medications. Sleeping medications work to enhance the activity of the neurotransmitter in the brain, GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid), which can induce drowsiness as well as decrease anxiety and help relax muscles. There are two main classes of sleeping pills, benzodiazepines and barbiturates. Common prescription sleeping medications include: Ambien, Lunesta, Halcion, as well as anti-anxiety medications such as Xanax and Valium.

When used on a regular basis, sleeping medications carry a risk of dependency, since the user may not be able to sleep without them. Side effects of sleeping pills can also be a safety concern.

Common Side Effects of Sleeping Pills:

  • Burning or tingling in the hands, arms or feet
  • Changes in appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness/drowsiness
  • Dry mouth or throat
  • Gas
  • Headache

The question to ask yourself is whether sleeping pills are the right choice for you. There are many all natural insomnia treatments to imporve sleep. With the natural insomnia treatments, you can avoid having medication in your system for a long period of time, as well as the risks of dependency and side effects of sleeping pills.

The best natural insomnia treatments:  

  • Popular natural remedies for insmonia include melatonin, chamomile tea, Valerian, and Kava.
  • Using a sleep journal and regulating your sleep environment are also ways to help insomnia.
  • Make sure  avoid caffeine or alcohol too close to bedtime.
  • Also make sure the temperature and lighting in the room are cool and dark, the best for good sleep.
  • Consider the quality of your pillow, an essential item for restorative sleep.

If you toss and turn frequently, PILLO1, a cervical pillow designed by a doctor to help you achieve the perfect sleeping posture so that your brain can relax and rest. PILLO1’s soft yet supportive talalay latex surfaces will ease you into sleep.  In fact, an independent sleep study at St. John’s Sleep Disorder Center in Santa Monica showed that people who sleep on the PILLO1 cervical pillow went to sleep 18% faster than a conventional pillow.  It also demonstrated that PILLO1 will get you into full PERSISTANT sleep 21 % faster, and that you enter into the dream (REM) state 19 percent quicker and that you stay in REM sleep by over 21 % longer.

So if you or someone you know suffer from insomnia or trouble sleeping, direct them to for more information.  Stop the cycle of stress, sleeping pills and sleepless nights now with PILLO1, the eco-luxe therapeutic cervical pillow designed by Dr. Raymond Hall, DC .

Sources: National Institute of Health,, SleepMed Inc.

What is PILLO1?
Made in America, PILLO1 is a premium, hand-crafted cervical pillow designed to give you a full night’s rest and support perfect spinal alignment. Created for both back and side-sleepers, PILLO1 is the most eco-friendly cervical pillow on the market, built with eco-friendly hypoallergenic latex foam.

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Dr. Hall
Dr. Ray Hall

Dr. Raymond Hall, the renowned DC, inventor, author, lecturer, television personality and sleep expert who has been honored by the International Association of Healthcare Providers as the "TOP CHIROPRACTOR IN CALIFORNIA" for 2015, 2016 and 2017. Dr Hall currently practices at Pacific Coast Sports Medicine in West Los Angeles and lives in Malibu, CA.