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Knowledge is not only power, but essential in getting a great night’s sleep. Dr Raymond Hall, DC explains in his Ebook, “Unlocking the Mysteries of Sleep” a variety of remedies for snoring, insomnia, spine and headache pain relief, and how and why sleep can affect weight loss. The highly regarded inventor, author. sleep expert and television personality also explains the four stages of sleep, and gives you extremely important information on how to choose the right pillow and firmness for your mattress. Dr. Hall also explains why 61% of women between Perimenopause and Menopause report insomnia and gives many steps women can take to get better sleep and minimize the effects of decreased estrogen. And as an added bonus, Dr. Hall provides a downloadable sleep journal so you can track and objectify the quality and quantity of your sleep.

Get your free copy of Dr. Hall’s E-book “Unlocking the Mysteries of Sleep” Now!

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Sleep has historically been misunderstood and under-recognized as an essential part of our health. It’s been known throughout history that getting a good night’s sleep is essential for the overall health and well-being of everyone. Billions of people across the globe spend approximately one-third of their lives
asleep, and yet the purposes and particular benefits of sleep generally remain a mystery.

Quality sleep is crucial for mental and physical well-being: Coping with stress, recovering from illness, solving problems, improving performance, and simply getting the most out of life. Lack of proper sleep can lower energy, impair memory, decrease ability to think creatively, and even compromise the immune system.

Dr. Hall’s goal in writing his easy to read, thirty page E-book is to give the reader practical knowledge and insight to ‘improve your life though better sleep ®”. This E-book is for your personal use only and cannot be resold, however can be shared. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015 – Hall Innovations, LLC


Dr. Raymond Hall, DC, a highly regarded integrated wellness chiropractic physician, inventor, author, lecturer, sleep care expert, and television personality, has been recently honored by International Association of Healthcare Providers as the ‘TOP CHIROPRACTOR IN CALIFORNIA IN 2015’ and for three consecutive years. The International Association of Chiropractors also named Dr. Hall TOP CHIROPRACTOR IN LOS ANGELES. As a spine specialist for over 37 years, Dr. Hall
has treated more than 12,000 people with neck and back complaints – including many celebrities and professional athletes. He’s helped pioneer cooperative medicine by combining modern day wellness and Sports Medicine Chiropractic and fully integrating with the best physicians in Orthopedic Medicine. As a sought after lecturer in the fields of sports, sleep, and wellness, Dr. Hall has been on the roster for TED-X Malibu, a guest on over 20 radio shows and almost a dozen television shows such as “The Doctors”, “Dancing with the Stars,” “Great Day Houston”. He was also featured on Fox 11’s nationally syndicated special on “Text Neck.” As an inventor of sleep, health and wellness products, he has applied for six patents, two that are registered and four more that are patent pending. Dr. Hall has also invented two neck pillows (PILLO1) as well as four other devices for health and wellness. Dr. Hall lives in Malibu,

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