This Mother’s Day, we reflect on mothers sleep health. Dr. Raymond Hall, DC explains the top three physical stressors for mothers and provides sleep tips for new moms.

Sleep Tips for New Moms

1. Lack of sleep: According to the National Sleep Foundation, 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night is ideal for adults. For pregnant women and new moms – gettting those crucial hours is NOT easy. Sleeplessness increases stress and neck stiffness while reducing immunity. Pregnant women and mothers cannot afford this 90 percent increased chance of illness.

Dr. Hall Sleep Tip: Tossing and turning with stiff neck pain during pregnancy?  Finding the best pregnancy pillow to sleep on your side or back is key. PILLO1 cervical pillow supports optimal back and side sleeping for pregnant women while reducing neck stiffness.

For new mothers – try to take ten minutes of rest every three hours. Lay down or distress with little input. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the pillow plays the largest impact on getting a good night’s sleep. Using PILLO1 cervical pillow helps new moms relieve neck stiffness while falling asleep faster and staying asleep longer.

2.  Multitasking: New mothers are juggling babies, hunched over a phone or stroller. Forward head position strains the body – causing back pain and neck stiffness.

Dr. Hall Sleep Tip: Sleeping in a neutral body position using PILLO1 cervical pillow helps counter the ill effects of forward head posture, relieves neck stiffness and allows the body to heal.

3. Carrying excess weight: Carrying a child through pregnancy causes aches, pains and neck stiffness. These aches and stiff neck pain can adversely affect quality of sleep. New moms carry children, strollers, bags and other supplies, further straining their lower backs and worsening stiff neck pain.

Dr Hall Sleep Tip: When muscles are overused, painful repetitive stress injuries occur.One fo the most important sleep tips for new moms is to get at least an extra hour of sleep in times of injury.

Could PILLO1 be the best pregnancy pillow?
One new mom, Jennifer describes “I heard of PILLO1 during the third trimester of my fourth pregnancy; I was again not sleeping well and searching for solutions to my sleep problem. I decided to try PILLO1 and within just a day or two of using it as a pregnancy pillow, I was back to sleeping through the night. My energy returned, now that my sleep wasn’t interrupted and my back and stiff neck pain disappeared!”

This Mother’s Day, give Mom the gift of sleep! Or give the mom-to-be in your life the best pregnancy pillow.  Thanks for checking out these tips for new moms to improve mothers sleep. Rest well, ladies!

What is PILLO1?
Made in America, PILLO1 cervical pillow sleeps comfortably while relieving back and stiff neck pain. Created for back and side sleepers, PILLO1 cervical pillow is the best pregnancy pillow and eco-friendly – made of hypoallergenic latex foam.

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